Senin, 22 Desember 2008

Chaimite: Second article published

Following a first part published in the December issue, the Portuguese magazine Motor Clássico has published on its Jannuary issue, the second part of a work covering the history of the portuguese-built Chaimite armoured vehicle.

Among the topics covered are the operational deployment of the Chaimite fleet in the Colonial War during the 1970s and the peacekeeping operations of the 1990s, details from foreign users , the Portuguese Marines fleet inclunding the history of the Armada 90 vehicle as well as other unknown aspects and curiosities such as the current status of the Portuguese and foreign vehicles or the destiny of the vehicles and prototypes.
These two articles are the result of several months of field research which has included interviews, research on archives, military units and press as part of the Chaimite Research Project. Main references and sources are indicated in the second part.

Pedro Monteiro

Senin, 24 November 2008

Chaimite: First article published

The Portuguese magazine Motor Clássico has published on its December issue, the first part of the history of the portuguese-built Chaimite armoured vehicle which has been in operation with both Portuguese and foreign military and security forces since the 1970s.

This first article comprises topics such as the context which surround the development of the project, the first years of production, other projects developed by the Bravia-VM (e.g., the Leopardo truck and the Comando Mk III security vehicle) as well as a technical description of the Chaimite. Other topics will have further development in the second part of this work.
The article is the result of several months of field research which has included interviews, research on archives, military units and press as part of the Chaimite Research Project.

Pedro Monteiro

Sabtu, 22 November 2008

Pandur II ICV: Walkaround

A walkaround of the basic variant of the Pandur II armoured vehicle, the ICV (Infantry Carrier Vehicle). This combat variant is armed with a 12,7mm caliber machine gun. Other versions, such as the Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) armed with a Steyr SP 30 turret with a 30mm canon, are part of the Portuguese purchase.
Com a encomenda do Exército português estão a ser construídas um total de 260 viaturas blindadas do tipo Pandur II 8x8. A Steyr-Daimler-Puch Spezialfahrzeug GmbH (Steyr-SSF), que desde 2003 pertence ao grupo norte-americano General Dynamics, conseguiu mais um grande projecto na sua história. Não foi apenas o melhor preço o que convenceu os militares portugueses: as características do veículo, tais como a tecnologia avançada, a alta mobilidade, a protecção da equipa no interior, assim como a sua flexibilidade, foram determinantes. Em resposta às várias tarefas que o Exército prevê para os seus Pandures foram desenvolvidas várias versões personalizadas, em primeiro lugar para o transporte de tropas e missões de reconhecimento e de apoio. [Steyr's Press Release, 29.05.2008]
The 240 vehicle fleet will be operated by the Brigada de Intervenção, the medium brigade of the Portuguese Army.

Front view of the Pandur II ICV. Two vehicles were presented to the public at Coimbra in June 2008 during the commemorations of the anniversary of the Brigada de Intervenção. [click to enlarge].

Rear view of the Pandur II ICV. Two vehicles were presented to the public at Coimbra in June 2008 during the commemorations of the anniversary of the Brigada de Intervenção. Notice the Browning H2B machine gun. [click to enlarge].

Top view of the vehicle. The engine compartment is placed at the right side of the driver [click to enlarge].

Troop compartment of the Pandur II ICV which can carry up to eight troops [click to enlarge].

Another detail of the Portuguese-built vehicle [click to enlarge].

Pedro Monteiro