Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

Pristina 091: New Pandur II armoured vehicles participate in military exercise

The Agrupamento Mike, which was covered on a previous report (check the article here), is presently completing its mission in Kosovo in the role of the KFOR Tactical Reserve Manoueuvre Batalion. A new battalion of the Brigada de Intervenção (Intervention Brigade, the medium brigade of the Portuguese Army) will replace it by March.

A small number of troops from the special operations are part of the 290 men Portuguese battalion [click to enlarge].

The north region of Mirandela was the scenario chosen for the military exercise Pristina 091. During a week, the 290 men of the battalion have trained several situations which they might find once in Kosovo, such as crowd riot control. One of the news of this edition of the Pristina exercises was the participation of a small group of Pandur II armoured vehicles which are being received by the Portuguese Army. So far, there are 11 vehicles in service with the infantry regiment of Vila Real, all of them in the Infantry Carrier Vehicle variant.

A total of 81 vehicles have participated in the Pristina 091, including five Pandur II armoured vehicles [click to enlarge].

The Infantry Carrier Vehicle (ICV) variant of the Pandur II armoured vehicle. This combat variant is armed with a 12,7mm caliber machine gun. Other versions, such as the Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) armed with a Steyr SP 30 turret with a 30mm canon, are part of the Portuguese purchase [click to enlarge].

A full report of the exercise was published, this week, by the Brazilian defence website Defesa Net:

Pedro Monteiro

New Link: Tally Ho!

Following an increasing number of Portuguese blogs focusing military aviation and aviation photography, Sérgio Trindade, a regular presence in air shows and oppen days, has created a new one for sharing his photos and videos. A regular visit is highly recommended.

Pedro Monteiro

Jumat, 13 Februari 2009

UPF: Force Protection

The Brazilian website Defesa Net has published an article introducing the recent created Unidade de Protecção de Força (UPF) of the Portuguese Air Force. This is an elite infantry force which assures the protection of the Portuguese aircraft and personnel deployed on foreign missions.

You can check the full article on the following adress:

Pedro Monteiro

Selasa, 10 Februari 2009

Real Thaw 09

The Brazilian website Defesa Net has published an article covering the military exercise Real Thaw, organized by the Portuguese Air Force, with the participation of units from Dennamark and Spain. The article also focus the new Litening AT targeting pod which has just entered in service with the MLU fleet.

You can check the full article on the following adress:

Pedro Monteiro

New link: Cannon Two

Jorge Ruivo is a gifted photographer and a truelly passioned enthusiast of military aviation. With 30 years of memories and photos to share, he has recently created a personal blog. The firts report could not be better: the impressive description and photographic report of his first flight on a F-16B fighter. Bravo Zulu, Jorge! A blog to visit regulary.

Pedro Monteiro